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Rylander Memorial Library

Genealogy Index: Bea-Bell

A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi |  Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z

Last NameFirst/MiddleOther InformationMaiden NameIssueYearPageCommentCemetery
BeakleyB.J. (Bill)13-Dec2001p. 2of BrownwoodCox in McCulloch Co.
BeakleyCharles R.19-Jan2006p. 2of RochelleCox
BealL.L., Mrs.3-Jan1957p. 3at Bertramat Bertram
BeamNancy Maude3-Jan1946p. 1at Palestine
BeardJames E.19-Nov1998p. 2of Athens, TXWillow Springs
BeardenFloyd Everett14-Dec1989p. 2at BrownwoodHigh Valley
BeardenIreneMrs. FloydGage14-Dec1989p. 2at TempleHigh Valley
BeardenLowell25-Aug2005p. 2of ComancheHolt
BeardenMilton, Mrs.Smallwood31-Jul1969p. 10at LampasasBend  
BeardonPinkney15-Jan1942p. 1 at Rising StarGibson
BeasleyByron20-Jun2002p. 2at LampasasCherokee
BeasleyCharles "Bo"29-May2003p. 2at Ablilene
BeasleyD. (Uncle Drew)24-May1917p. 3Old McAlley (Bend)
BeasleyHazelWilson7-Jun2007p. 2of San Saba
BeasleyMargueritteKirbyTodd25-Dec2003p. 2of LometaSenterfitt in Lometa
BeasleyMrs.22-Feb1901p. 4col. 7
BeasleyRalph Eugene26-Sep1974p. 2at TempleHanna
BeattyW.K., Mrs.Davenport25-Aug1921p. 2at San Angelo
BeatyC.P.25-Jun1908p. 1at Cameron
BeaverHelen JoByers9-Nov2000p. 2at Glen Cove, TXGlen Cove
BeckI.T., MrsMother of Dan12-Jan1905p. 3Cherokee Col.
BeckMollieSmelser9-Oct1969p. 6of San SabaRough Creek (Smelser)
BeckMollieMrs. JoeSmelser9-Oct1969p. 6of San SabaRough Creek
BeckendorfDianeMrs. NormanLewis28-Jul1966p. 2at BrenhamRichland Springs
BeckerMarthaIreland18-Jan2007p. 2of Richland SpringsVarga Chappel
BeekI.T., Mrs.Mother of Dan12-Jan1905p. 3Cherokee Colat Ardmore I.T.
BeesonMaude17-Apr1969p. 5of Richland SpringsValley Springs, Llano Co.
BeesonMaude17-Apr1969p. 6funeral attendees
BehlingMellie Hamrick27-Apr2006p. 2of Lone Pine, CAin Lone Pine
BehrensAmanda ReginaHomeyer14-Mar1966p. 3(STAR)San Saba City
BehrensAndrew28-Mar1940p. 1(News)at Walberg
BehrensArloniaMrs. Andrew ConradTaylor4-Mar1999p. 2of San SabaSan Saba City
BehrensArnold Clinton18-Jul2002p. 2of San SabaSan Saba City
BehrensBonnie Whitley5-May2005p. 2at BrownwoodSpring Creek
BehrensDorothy Mrs. ShermanShuman28-Jun2007p. 2of San AntonioFt. Sam Houston Nat
BehrensErickson of Henry22-Aug1912p. 6at CarlsbadOdd Fellows
BehrensGus H.4-Oct1951p. 7of San SabaSan Saba City
BehrensHenry F.25-Aug1955p. 2of San Saba County
BehrensKathlynMrs. HaroldBusby1-May1969p. 10at San AngeloSan Saba City
BehrnsH.L. "Hiram"15-Apr1915p. 2of San Saba CoOdd Fellows
BehrnsJ.H. L. 10-Mar1904p. 2Vital Statistics col.
BehrnsJ.H.L.4-Feb1904p. 4At Cherokee
BehrnsJohn H.L.11-Feb1904p. 2of CherokeeLlano
BehrnsMattie11-Jul1940p. 1(News) at Austin
BehrnsMellissa(Miss)4-Jan1962p. 3at LlanoLlano City
BehrnsNoramentioned with Mattie11-Jul1940p. 1(News)
BeighleDianneMatlock6-Nov2003p. 2at LlanoRichland Springs
BelkVina Rose3-Jan1946p. 1at Palestine
BellBetsyeMrs. DavidWhisenant14-Jan1965p. 5at TempleKilleen Memorial
BellGinger Leeinf dau of David5-Apr1956p. 2
BellGladys M.Click12-Jun2003p. 2of San SabaHarris
BellRobert (Bobby)8-Mar2007p. 2of San SabaHarris
BellWilliam16-Jan1919p. 7probate notice
BellWilsonFather of J.E. Bell31-Jan1924p. 1at Luling