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Rylander Memorial Library

Genealogy Index: Se

A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi |  Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z

Last NameFirst/MiddleOther InformationMaiden NameIssueYearPageCommentCemetery
SeagoPosey31-Jan1924p. 1
SealyEdgar Lee24-Aug1995p. 9at BradyLocker
SearsEtnaMrs. R.A.Parmer20-Oct1938p. 1
SearsR. A., Mrs.5-Jan1939p. 21938 deaths col.
SearsR.A., Mrs.20-Oct1938p. 1STAR
SearsRobert Alexander15-Jun1933p. 1of San SabaSan Saba City
SeboltThomas W.28-Sep1905p. 3Goldthwaite Col.
SecrestEulaYoung3-Jun1954p. 7at Ozona
SedberryWade14-Feb2002p. 2of San SabaTerry
SeekatzHenry, Mrs.sister to R. Halden22-Aug1912p. 7at Austin
SeguraJuanitaRamirez5-Jun2003p. 2of Lubbock
SeiderAlvin Gleen7-May1998p. 2at BrownwoodOakwood in Hamilton
SeidersA. J.30-Mar1911p. 2at Austin
SeidersRichard Dale "Dick"18-Dec2003p. 2of San SabaSloan
SelfAllie EleanorKeeney3-May1945p. 1of PostPost
SelfChess P.son of R. W.9-Mar1894p. 4
SelfLeonaJonesMiles23-Feb2006p. 2at LlanoChappel 
SelfRobert Ivan "Bob"29-Apr2004p. 2at Abilene
SellmanFannieMrs. RichardBaker9-Nov1894last pColumn 3
SellmanJohn T.5-Oct1944p. 1in Sutton Brady
SelmanBob, Mrs.26-Sep1912p. 7Richland Springs Rochelle
SelmanRichard "Dick"22-Jan1925p. 7at San Antonio
SelmanRichard "Dick"22-Jan1925p. 7at San Antonioat Brad
SenterfittJack8-Dec1955p. 2Harmony Ridge
SenterfittMat C., Mrs.Faver18-Dec1930p. 1Harmony Ridge
SenterfittMaurineCulton13-Feb1997p. 2of Burnet
SenterfittNettiewife of R. E.16-Jan1908p. 4of Saba SabaHarmony Ridge
SenterfittReuben E., Sr.7-Jan1954p. 3at San SabaHarmony Ridge
SenterfittReubin27-May1887p. 1
SenterfittRuben E.7-Jan1953p. 1San Sab StarHarmony Ridge
SernaLupe31-Jan1974p. 3Cherokee News
SessionsOraThornton15-Oct1998p. 2of BrownwoodEastlawn Mem.
SeversJohn R., Mrs28-Nov1935p. 1San Saba City
SeversJohn R., Mrs.28-Nov1935p. 5card of thanks
SewellEdward31-Mar1988p. 15at San Saba
SewellVirginiaMrs. W. T.9-Nov2000p. 2at LlanoHillcrest
SewellWanda Nadine2 mo. Old dau of W. T.22-Nov1951p. 1of San SabaHillside