Genealogy Index: Car
A-Ak | Al | Am-Ay| B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Bea-Bell | Ben-Bew | Bi-Bl | Boa-Boo | Bor-Boz | Bra-Bros | Brown | Broy-Bull | Bur-By | C-Cap | Car | Cas-Cha | Che-Ci | Cla-Clo | Cob-Coo | Cop-Cox | Cr-Cy | Da | De-Di | Doa-Doy | Dra-Dy | Ea-Eg | Ei-El | Ep-Ev | Fa-Fe | Fl-Fo | Fr-Fu | Ga-Gam | Gar-Gay | Ge-Gop | Gor-Gra | Gre-Gu | Haa-Hal | Ham-Han | Har-Harrell | Harris-Harw | Has-Haz | Hea-Hex | Hi | Hob-Hoo | Hop-Hoyt | Hu-Hy | I | J-Ji | Jo-Joi | Jon-Jus | Ka-Ke | Ki-Ko | Kr-Ku | La | Le | Li | Lob-Loo | Lord-Ly | M-Mass | Mat | McA-McC | McD-McI | McK-McW | Me | Mi | Moa-Moon | Moor | Mor | Mu | N | O | P-Parkhill | Parks-Pay | Pe | Ph-Po | Pr | Q-Ra | Re | Rh | Roa-Rob | Rod-Roz | Ru-Ry | Sa | Sc | Se | Sh | Si-Smi | Smith | Sn-Squ | St.-Ste | Sti-Stu | Su-Sy | Tab-Tat | Taylor | Te-The | Tho-Ti | To-Tr | Tu-Ty | U-V | Wad-Walker | Wall-Walt | Wan | We | Wh | Wic-Will | Wils-Witt | Wo-Wy | X-Y-Z
Last Name | First/Middle | Other Information | Maiden Name | Issue | Year | Page | Comment | Cemetery |
Cardenas | Cruz | Martinez | 30-Mar | 2000 | p. 2 | San Saba | Hillcrest | |
Cardwell | Virginia Ruth | Hopkins | 5-Jan | 2006 | p. 2 | at Waco | ||
Carl | Lee | 2-Jan | 2003 | p. 2 | at Corsicana | In Corsicana | ||
Carlton | Clovis Riley | Wardlaw | 29-Aug | 2002 | p. 2 | at San Saba | Amarillo | |
Carmichael | Catherine | Bentley | 8-Nov | 2001 | p. 2 | at Brownwood | Greenleaf | |
Carmichael | Robert Marion | 21-Oct | 1943 | p. 1 | at Dallas | Hillcrest Mausoleum | ||
Carmouche | Peter Joseph | Pete" | 6-Nov | 1958 | p. 2 | San Saba City | ||
Carolia | Felix, Jr. | inf of Felix & Feddia | 6-Nov | 1969 | p. 10 | of San Saba | Hillcrest | |
Carpenter | Billie | Obermier | 18-Jan | 1981 | p. 2 | of Lampasas | Oak Hill, Lampasas Co. | |
Carpenter | Christi Lou | 26-Oct | 1972 | p. 1 | plane crash | Shepp at Winters | ||
Carpenter | Hazel Pauline | 26-Oct | 1972 | p. 1 | plane crash | Shepp at Winters | ||
Carr | J.V. | 17-Apr | 1924 | p.5 | of San Saba | Odd Fellows | ||
Carr | Jameve V. | 17-Apr | 1924 | p. 5 | of San Saba | Odd Fellows | ||
Carr | Robt. H., Mrs. | Chittenden | 20-Apr | 1916 | p. 3 | Odd Fellows | ||
Carr | William Plack | 30-Jan | 1997 | p. 2 | at Dallas | |||
Carrell | Clarence Marin | 12-Jul | 1968 | p. 2 | of Richland Springs | Varga Chapel | ||
Carrell | Mrs. John | 1-Dec | 1927 | p. 3 | Locker News | Locker | ||
Carrell | Mrs. John | 1-Dec | 1927 | p. 6 | New Hope News | Locker | ||
Carrigan | Agnes | White | 6-Mar | 2003 | p. 2 | of Ft. Worth | Goldthwaite Memorial | |
Carroll | Charles | 5-Dec | 1940 | p. 1 | (News) of San saba | San Saba City | ||
Carroll | J.B.* | 12 yr old dau.of J.B. | 28-Sep | 1905 | p. 2 | from 1885 col. | Brown just east of town | |
Carroll | Lillie | Miss | 5-Apr | 1979 | p. 2 | at Angelo | Richland Springs | |
Carroll | Mary Catherine | Mrs. J. W. | Smythe | 20-May | 1948 | p. 1 | of San Saba | Odd Fellows |
Carroll | Nancy Grace | Infant of James W. | 16-Feb | 1939 | p. 8 | |||
Carroll | Pat | 8-Mar | 1906 | p. 1 | shot | Odd Fellows | ||
Carroll | Ruby | Machann | 27-Jul | 2006 | p. 2 | at Conroe | Richland Springs | |
Carroll | Sarah Jane | Brown | 30-Jul | 1942 | p. 1 | 100 years old | San Saba City | |
Carroll | Tessie | Startz | 14-Jun | 2007 | p. 2 | at Waco | Goldthwaite Memorial | |
Carroll | William Elzy | 2-Dec | 1954 | p. 5 | at San Saba | Richland Springs | ||
Carroll | William Elzy | 2-Dec | 1954 | p. 5 | of San Saba | Richland Springs | ||
Carroll | Wilma | 11-Apr | 1957 | p. 7 | at Mexia | San Saba City | ||
Carruth | Sybil Christine | Donahoo | 21-Feb | 1952 | p. 6 | at Brownwood | at Blanket | |
Carson | D. O. | brother to J.E. | 15-Sep | 1938 | p. 1 | at St. Louis | ||
Carson | D.O. | 5-Jan | 1939 | p. 2 | 1938 deaths col. | |||
Carta | Clay | 26-Apr | 2001 | p. 2 | at Llano | Sonora | ||
Carter | Emma Gene | Taylor | 3-Nov | 1927 | p. 3 | near Richland Spr. | Richland Springs | |
Carter | Hamil V. | 20-Dec | 1951 | p. 1 | near Paso Robles, CA | at Cleburne | ||
Carter | Hamil V. | 20-Dec | 1951 | p. 1 | (STAR) | |||
Carter | Hattie | Creach | 1-Jun | 1989 | p. 2 | of San Saba | Richland Springs | |
Carter | J. Creighton | 23-Nov | 1995 | p. 2 | at Fredericksburg | San Saba City | ||
Carter | J. J. | 8-Mar | 1928 | p. 1 | Col. 6 | |||
Carter | J. J. (Mrs.) | 22-Apr | 1920 | p. 1 | of Richland Springs | |||
Carter | J. J. * | Infant of | 9-May | 1918 | p. 8 | Richland Springs Col. | Richland Springs | |
Carter | J. M. | 1-Dec | 1932 | p. 1 | at Glen Rose | |||
Carter | J. M. | 1-Dec | 1932 | p. 3 | card of thanks | |||
Carter | J.B. | 22-Aug | 1912 | p. 7 | in Mills county | |||
Carter | James Martin | son of Knight | 7-Jun | 1956 | p. 1 | plane Crash | ||
Carter | James Martin | son of Knight | 14-Jun | 1956 | p. 8 | near Del Rio | Richland Springs | |
Carter | Jessie Hugh | grandson of Hugh Barber | 13-Nov | 1924 | p. 3 | Cherokee column | ||
Carter | Jessie Hugh | 13-Nov | 1924 | p. 8 | at Temple | |||
Carter | Lee | bro to Rev I.M. Carter | 10-Jun | 1909 | p. 4 | col. 5 | China Creek | |
Carter | Lenna | 15-Mar | 1906 | p. 2 | In Memoriam | |||
Carter | Lenna | 15-Mar | 1906 | p. 2 | card of thanks | |||
Carter | Lester | 18-Jan | 1945 | p. 1 | at McGregor | Richland Springs | ||
Carter | Lester F. | 25-Jan | 1945 | p. 1 | full obit | Richland Springs | ||
Carter | Lillie R. | (Mrs. J.M.) | Sanderson | 17-Feb | 1944 | p. 1 | San Saba City | |
Carter | Madie | (Mrs. J. A. | Lane | 6-Dec | 1945 | p. 2 | of Richland Springs | Richland Springs |
Carter | R.L. | bro.of J.M. | 14-Mar | 1902 | p. 1 | Odd Fellows | ||
Carter | R.L. | 28-Jan | 1937 | p. 1 | at Temple | |||
Carter | Sam | 28-Oct | 1915 | p. 6 | at Temple | |||
Carter | Samuel Light | 28-Oct | 1915 | p. 6 | at Temple | I. O.O. F | ||
Carter | Sandra Lynn | stab wound | 18-Aug | 1966 | p. 2 | at Austin | San Saba City |